Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!! 2018

Its 2018 and the New Year is here!!! We had a quite New Years Eve, we had Cold's visit us, and we both stayed calm all day!!
I had a few birds fly in, that I caught on the camera!!!!
Look hard to see if you can find me!!!

I'm a yellow bellied Sapsucker


Garden Warbler

Fun photo of the tree limb with Lichen on the branches.

Eastern Blue Bird

This is a fun photo!

We had the water running in the trailer, a slow trickle to keep the lines from freezing!
26 degree's and the water froze in the trailer lines!

So even though Elder Gibson didn't feel well he still worked on the 
trailer to get the water lines unthawed!!

We even had to warm up the hose, to unthaw the water in the hose line.
Elder Gibson fixed the trailer, and we once again have water!!!
 Awesome, but its still cold!!!

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
Look closely at the tree and you can see the mistletoe seed
this little bird is placing the seed's into the tree!
Garden Warbler.

The Killdeer have returned we have 4 of them that stay right close to the trailer.
Happy New Year!!

The New Years Super Moon

The Wolf Moon

Good Night!!! 
And may your New Year we wonderful!!

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