Friday, January 26, 2018

Colts House Remodel

22 Jan, Monday, and the next room starts, the master bedroom is next, Elder's moved out the furniture, and have jumped right in on the walls.
Elder Ryan

Elder Gibson

The Elder's removed the trim, and now patching the walls!

textured the walls' first coat
25th of January, Thursday
2nd coat of texture
the air is humid and the drywall mud won't dry.

master bedroom

Photo's of the 2nd bedroom finished
except for the door's

2nd bedroom

Yesterday and today the first and second coats of paint


and doors.

26, January Friday

Ceiling and walls painted
carpet pad down

ready to work on the carpet!

beautiful newly painted walls

 Elder Gibson and Elder Ryan
Stretching the carpet.

Elder's finished the carpet, and moved the master bed back in the room!!

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