Saturday, January 27, 2018

Baylor Mayborn Museum

We decided to go to the Baylor Mayborn Museum, with the Mattison's, so fun to be together again.
This is a spectacular museum, with lots of fun exhibits.
Mayborn Museum

Gail and Alan Mattison

The gang
They have a whole section for kids
this special time was the Secrets of the Sewer!

Fossilized Mastodon huge!!

Baby elephant




Texas Longhorn

Humpback Whale Skull

Ancient Marine Reptile

fossil of the above!

75 Million Year Old Turtle Fossil

horned toad

Waco has a discovery site of Mastodon fossil's this is a replica of that site!

He is a pretty big fella!


Stone house

Log Cabin

Texas Longhorn
Outside museum has a Historic Village



General Store

This is a bolt storage, with a turntable, and lots of little drawers
in triangle shape, way cool!

1897 Almana

Get your gun on sale 12.95

Piano for 125.00

Giant crock

School House



Earlier home

Squirrel, working on the rope!

Cook house


Giant Texas on the wall

Beautiful art work

This one was titled the start of Brazo's river!

Tortoise just hanging out!

His back legs are stretched out

Saturday drive!

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