Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve!!

The Taylor's 
rode with us to church!
Mexia Branch for a beautiful church service!
It's a wonderful time to remember the birth of our savior, and all the 
gifts that have been given to us.  Eternal life, the opportunity to live with
our Father in Heaven.

We had a Christmas Eve party, at the Bagley's.  Tradition at the Bagley home is Fondue, and very yummy!!
Table is set, and the kids are ready to eat!!

Jace and Elder Gibson

Jason and Kiley Bagley

Fondue pots ready for dipping!!


Fondue was delicious, we had a wonderful time eating!

Time for the Nativity!!

Jace and Tayler Taylor

Kache and Jason Bagley

Our wonderful hostess
Kiley Bagley!!

Mary and Joseph

Angel and Shepherds

our littlest sheep

Beautiful Christmas Tree

3 Wiseman

Wonderful night, watching the Nativity, and singing beautiful songs.
Thank you Bagley's and Taylor's for sharing your Christmas with us!

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